Career Discovery Camp at OHP

Dates: Monday, June 16-Wednesday, June 18
Time: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Jump into hands-on activities during this exciting FREE 3-day summer camp.

All incoming 7th and 8th Graders in Ohio Hi-Point's district are invited to join us on campus for three days of interactive experiments, test drives, simulations, and more as you learn about a number of career pathways. Act quickly because the camp is limited to the first 60 students!

Each day, you'll see two career pathways - spending about an hour and half in each career lab.

What you'll experience:

  • Designed career lessons for maximum exposure to hands-on activities

  • Projects that will have you working with industry equipment and software

  • Time to meet new friends from surrounding schools

  • Learn in a state-of-the-art career lab

  • Free snacks, camp t-shirt, and more!

The camp will take place at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center (2280 St. Rt. 540, Bellefontaine, OH 43311). Hands-on experiences will be led by our career instructors who are experts in their career field.

The OHP Career Camp is a FREE camp open to incoming 7th and 8th graders in our district. Fill out the registration form below!

Registration Form

Camp Contact Information

Ohio Hi-Point Career Center
Justin Lacher
2280 State Route 540
Bellefontaine, OH 43311