Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students,
On Thursday, March 12, Governor DeWine announced all schools will be closed for three weeks due to the concern surrounding COVID-19.
Ohio Hi-Point will be closed Monday, March 16 and plans to implement a distance learning plan for two weeks beginning Tuesday, March 17 through Friday, March 27 and observe OHP’s scheduled Spring Break from Monday, March 30 through Friday, April 3.
Teachers are preparing distance learning lessons for students. Students will select how they would like to receive lesson assignments either via online or printed materials. Your student’s teachers will check-in via online platforms, email, conference call, Remind, or other means of communication to make sure your student understands the material presented.
All OHP activities including study trips, competitions, and prom are cancelled until further notice.
At this time, Ohio Hi-Point will resume a regular schedule on Monday, April 6.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this unprecedented situation. We will continue to provide your student quality career and academic education while ensuring your student’s safety and well-being by monitoring and adhering to the local, state, and federal health recommendations.
Thank you,
Superintendent Dr. Rick Smith