Why is school closed?
Governor Mike DeWine mandated all schools in Ohio be closed through the remainder of the school year due to concerns over the COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. We are following the Governor’s orders.
Will instruction continue during this closure?
Yes. Our teachers are preparing and teaching through distance learning lessons for our students.
How will my student learn during distance learning?
Your student will select how they would like to receive lesson assignments either via online or printed materials. Your student’s teachers will check-in via online platforms, email, conference call, Remind, or other means of communication to make sure your student understands the material presented.
What about students on IEPs?
IEPs will be conducted weekly through phone meetings or Google Hangouts. We will continue to work to meet the needs and requirements of students. We know trying to meet all IEP requirements may be difficult and we are waiting on guidance from ODE on how to handle those situations.
What are OHP's partner districts doing about student meals?
We've collected everything our partner districts are doing to provide student meals during the three-week closure. Please see our Facebook post here.
What if I need internet access at home?
Our Technology Department has put together the following internet resources for students and families.
- Spectrum - Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. Installation fees will be waived for new student households. There is no data cap. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395.
- Xfinity Hotspots - Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will also be available to anyone who needs them for free, including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit www.xfinity.com/wifi. Once at a hotspot, select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.
- PCsforPeople - To be eligible, a household needs to be 200% or below of the federal poverty level or be currently enrolled in an income-based government assistance program. Examples of programs that are eligible include: food support (SNAP), financial assistance (TANF), free or reduced lunch at school, Section 8 Housing, and SSI. Customers must show a photo ID and proof of eligibility. There are three prepaid plans available, all with unlimited data. Three prepaid plans are: 3 months of service-$45 ($15/mo) 6 months of service-$85 ($14.16/mo) 12 months of service-$135 ($11.25/mo). For more information, call (651) 354-2552.
Most ISPs have enrolled in “Keeping America Connected” which is pledging that they will not terminate the service of any resident or small business for 60 day nor will they add any late charges for any delay in paying for services during this time.
What happens if my student is involved in School-to-Work and Internships?
If a student is involved with School-to-Work or participating in an internship, it will be determined by the student’s parent, the employer, and partner school district whether the student continues to work or intern.
Can my student still earn industry credentials or certifications?
UPDATE 3/16: At this time, no student is allowed into the school building.
As the teacher stays in contact with the students, the teacher can determine if a student is ready to take a credential test. At that time, the teacher may set up a time for testing in coordination with the teacher’s supervisor for school availability. This may be especially important for seniors who need the credential or certification for employment.
What about events, after school activities, field trips, and extra-curricular activities?
All school activities and programs have been cancelled, including Prom. Rescheduling remains to be determined.
Will any customer service businesses be open during this time?
No. Since school is closed for the next three weeks, that also applies to our customer service businesses including the salon, restaurant, dog grooming, car service, or marketing services.
What about CTSO events?
The Ohio Department of Education, Business Professionals of America, Ohio Association, Ohio DECA, Ohio FFA Association, Ohio FCCLA, and SkillsUSA Ohio remain committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its members. Therefore, it has been determined that all in-person career-technical student organization competitions and events are canceled through the remainder of the school year
When will students go back to school?
The Governor stated the emergency distance learning plan will continue through the remainder of the school year.
How will the ordered school closure affect Ohio State Spring Testing at OHP (updated 4/9)?
The Governor and the Ohio General Assembly enacted House Bill 197 to address several issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic. This legislation removed state testing requirements for Ohio students for the Spring of 2020. In addition, the Ohio Department of Education has received a waiver from the U.S. Department of Education for all federally mandated student testing for the Spring of 2020.
For more information:
The Ohio Department of Health has opened a call center to answer questions regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). The call center will be open 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and can be reached at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634). Additional information can be found on our COVID-19 webpage.