Ohio Hi-Point is moving to a remote learning plan beginning Friday, Nov. 20 through Tuesday, Nov. 24. There are no classes during OHP’s Thanksgiving break (Wednesday, Nov. 25 through Friday, Nov. 27). We plan to return to our hybrid Flexible Learning Plan on Monday, Nov. 30.
This change is due to a large percent of staff and students in quarantine and a shortage of substitute teachers.
Students will follow their regularly scheduled classes while OHP is in remote learning. Classes that meet in-person will continue to do so through Zoom. Students are expected to log in for attendance every day by 8:45 a.m. and complete the assigned school work.
- Friday, Nov. 20 is a YELLOW Friday for juniors and a remote day for seniors.
- Monday, Nov. 23 is a PURPLE Monday for juniors and a remote day for seniors.
- Tuesday, Nov. 24 is a BLUE Tuesday for seniors and a remote day for juniors.
We will continue to monitor the situation and evaluate our educational plans during the Thanksgiving break. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this situation.
Please check out our website for more information regarding Health and Safety Protocols and Student Health. You can also visit our COVID-19 dashboard for data and resources.
Ohio Hi-Point will continue to provide your student quality career and academic education while ensuring your student’s safety and well-being by monitoring and adhering to the local, state, and federal health recommendations.