CTE Month

BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio- Students and staff at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate Career and Technical Education (CTE) month.

Career education provides an education that is focused on hands-on learning in a specific career pathway for students to be college and career ready. Career education has a dynamic impact on economic development and students enter the workforce with the skills necessary to succeed and be productive citizens in the community.

Ohio Hi-Point offers high-demand career programs for high school juniors and seniors on Hi-Point’s Bellefontaine Main Campus as well as offering satellite career programs in the district’s partner high schools and middle schools.   

Between 400-500 students participate in one of the 13 programs offered on Ohio Hi-Point’s Main Campus in Bellefontaine. The programs fall in career pathways ranging from construction trades, automotive careers and engineering, to health technology, human services and customer service.  

OHP's collaboration with the district's partner schools helped establish OHP satellite programs, bringing career programming directly to students without leaving their high school. Today, over 3,000 students partake in CTE classes within the partner school districts. Currently, Ohio Hi-Point works with Benjamin Logan, Graham,  Indian Lake, Kenton, Marysville, Marysville Early College High School, Mechanicsburg, Riverside, Triad, Upper Scioto Valley, Urbana, and Grimes Airfield to offer nearly 60 career programs ranging from business and health technology to aviation and agriculture.

 “We hope the community will take the time to learn about the great opportunities CTE has to offer; not only for the students, but also for the economic development and strong partnerships with industry and business leaders,” offered Dr. Rick Smith, superintendent.

By partnering with business and industry leaders, Ohio Hi-Point invests in students’ lives with the latest technology and skills that will prepare them for a successful career.

In addition, Ohio Hi-Point partners with several colleges and universities across the state to provide a higher education pathway for students to earn college credits for free, easing or erasing the burden of student loan debt.

“Our students are doing great things, and I’m very proud of the work they have done, and will continue to do,” finished Superintendent Dr. Smith.

For a complete list of CTE classes, instructor contact information and other information about CTE at Ohio Hi-Point, visit ohiohipoint.com.