The Marysville-Ohio Hi-Point DECA chapter held its annual DECA banquet last week at Marysville High School. It was a night filled with memories, awards, and well wishes to the chapter's senior members.
Kaden Hogan and Rohan Singh received the Most Improved Award. Foster Cross earned the Team Player Award. Madison Andrews and Mackensey Kempton were named Seniors of the Year, and the DECA member of the Year was Ashlyn Etherington.
Following the awards ceremony, the new 2021-2022 officer team was announced. The board includes Rohan Singh as the VP of Finance, Reya Singh as the VP of Career Development, Elle Martter as the VP of Hospitality, Shay Seagraves as the VP of Marketing, and Ashlyn Etherington as the 2021-2022 Marysville DECA President.
The DECA chapter is looking forward to "Maximizing our Momentum" next year! The DECA chapter is a part of Ohio Hi-Point's Supply Chain Management satellite program at Marysville High School. The instructor and advisor is Bailey Hemmelgarn.