Ian Wiant

I chose Ohio Hi-Point because: 

I wanted to further my skills in digital media

At Ohio Hi-Point, I'm involved in the following activities: 


My favorite part about Ohio Hi-Point is: 

My lab because I'm able to do what I love.

My most memorable moment at Ohio Hi-Point was: 

Getting second in the state in Radio Production competition during SkillsUSA.

What surprised me most about Ohio Hi-Point was: 

How great my lab teachers are.

The teacher who has had the biggest impact on me is: 

Mr. Lacher

My advice to students who may be looking to apply to Ohio Hi-Point is: 

It's worth it to come to Hi-Point. It can be a hard decision to make to leave your friends, but it was worth it. I've learned so much in the past year.

After graduation: 

Attending The Modern College of Design