I chose Ohio Hi-Point because:
I chose Hi-Point because I always knew I wanted to be a cosmetologist, but wasn't the most excited about college. Hi-Point was also the best option because it's all free and I'm still in high school and I won't need any extra schooling after high school.
At Ohio Hi-Point, I'm involved in the following activities:
I'm involved in the National Technical Honors Society, Skills USA, I'm a student influencer, and a student delegate.
My favorite part about Ohio Hi-Point is:
My lab because it is so hands on and the instructors are excited about teaching what they love to do.
My most memorable moment at Ohio Hi-Point was:
When I went to an over night SkillsUSA conference. I ran for regional officer and got to listen to speakers, meet so many new people, and experience something I never thought I'd do.
What surprised me most about Ohio Hi-Point was:
The connections and friends you make with people in and outside your lab that you never would've known with Hi-Point.
The teacher who has had the biggest impact on me is:
Mrs. Harlan, because she wants me to do what I love and get out into a salon and work before I'm graduated because she knows that's what I want. She pushes me so much and I always know that I can go to her about anything and she'll try her hardest to help out in any way.
My advice to students who may be looking to apply to Ohio Hi-Point is:
Do it, apply. Coming to Hi-Point was the best thing I ever did. You meet so many new people, you find yourself, you can still be involved in activities at your homeschool even if people say you can't. Without Hi-Point I don't know where I'd be. I found myself and my personality and I found the people who better me through Hi-Point.
After graduation:
I'm going directly into the workforce into a salon living my dream.
Industry Certifications:
I'll be able to get my cosmetology license once I finish all my hours that I need.