As we prepare for winter weather, student and families need to be aware of Ohio Hi-Point’s delay and cancelation procedures.
Due to building construction delays pushing back the start of school this year, there has been some changes to school delays and cancellations. Ohio Hi-Point will ONLY use calamity hours for delays. In the event Ohio Hi-Point cancels, Superintendent Dr. Smith will designate the cancellation day as a Blizzard Bag or Remote Day.
What if my school delays/cancels, but OHP is still open? For unscheduled events (like weather delays and cancellations) you will follow your partner school schedule; therefore, if your partner school is closed, you are not required to attend OHP. If you are on a delay, the partner school will still provide transportation to OHP.
What is a Blizzard Bag? If a Blizzard Bag day is called, staff will have assignments posted on their classroom's Schoology or Google Classroom accounts for students to complete within two weeks of the assignment date. No virtual classes will take place. Ohio Hi-Point has three blizzard bag days to utilize for the year and all three Blizzard Bags will be used before we go to a Remote Day option.
What is a Remote Day? A Remote Day requires staff and students to attend classes virtually on a two-hour delay schedule. Staff should prepare students on how to log into their Schoology or Zoom lessons. Staff will be available for “office hours” from 8-10:15 a.m. Students will login for their first period no later than 10:15 a.m. and follow their regular schedule. Attendance will be taken each period.
What if only a two-hour delay is called? Students will report to campus by 10:15 a.m. and follow the two-hour delay schedule.
What if a two-hour delay moves to a cancellation day? Ohio Hi-Point will utilize the district's three Blizzard Bag days before going to a Remote Day schedule. If OHP Superintendent Dr. Smith assigns the day as a Remote Day, students will follow a two-hour delay schedule virtually, and will be prepared to log in for first period attendance by 10:15 a.m.
What if a cancellation day is called the night before? Ohio Hi-Point will utilize the district's three Blizzard Bag days before going to a Remote Day schedule. If OHP Superintendent Dr. Smith assigns the day as a Remote Day, students will follow a two-hour delay schedule virtually, and will be prepared to log in for first period attendance by 10:15 a.m.
Will OHP provide hotspot? Yes, please talk to the Technology Department about receiving a hotspot.
During a Remote Day, are students required to be online for Prime Time? No. Students are permitted to be offline for prime time and lunch.
During a Remote Day, what can I expect in terms of school workload? Teachers will have course work and assignments for students that can be completed within the two-hour delay schedule. This equates to 20-40 minutes of work.
Per state requirements, students need to receive a minimum of 1,001 hours of instruction. What if we go below 1001 hours? We will make the hours up by our scheduled make-up days in-person or remotely. In the event of a cancellation calamity day, Superintendent Dr. Smith will continue to notify all students and parent(s)/guardian(s) via our all-call system and will provide clarification and direction on instruction for the day.
How are we notified of a delay or cancellation? Ohio Hi-Point uses an all-call system to inform staff, parents, and students. The information is also posted Ohio Hi-Point’s website, Facebook, Instagram, mobile app, WPKO/WBLL, WKTN, K99.1FM, Sunny95, WLIO TV, WHIO TV 7, and WBNS-TV 10.