Ohio Hi-Point Career Center is hosting a Building Open House and Ribbon Cutting on Thursday, December 1 at 4 p.m. Ohio Hi-Point is located at 2280 St. Rt. 540, Bellefontaine, OH 43311.
Students, families, and community members are invited to tour campus, hear from students enrolled in the career programs, and discover how Ohio Hi-Point is innovating education while engaging businesses and impacting our communities.
The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will take place at 4 p.m. with building tours to follow. Community members can see the new building addition, which houses Ohio Hi-Point’s state-of-the-art restaurant and salon as well as the expanded healthcare and exercise science spaces. The tour will also highlight the newly renovated and expanded Graphic and Media Arts Academy lab, remodeled automotive, diesel, welding, criminal justice, construction, HVAC, engineering, and education academy labs. Community members can also explore Ohio Hi-Point’s academic wing and the renovated classrooms, collaborative spaces, and common spaces to help increase student engagement and learning opportunities.
After the ribbon cutting and building tours, prospective students and family members are encouraged to visit campus between 5-7:30 p.m. to talk one-on-one with instructors and students about their educational options by attending Ohio Hi-Point, including career pathways, OHP’s work-based learning program, college credit options, and more. Prospective students can also be entered to win a PlayStation5.
This building renovation and construction project was made possible by the support of the community. This is your building; experience the hands-on education students are receiving to empower their futures.
For more information visit www.ohiohipoint.com.